Monday, October 15, 2012


My 2010 flickr account is officially dead. It was very hard to let it go because it has been with me for 2 years and 8 months. It was a long journey. I knew I had to make a decision and I'm glad I chose the right thing to do. (Yes, I made it sound like I removed the life support from someone very important to me who's dying). 

Anyway, I deleted my 2012 flickr account because it doesn't look like me and it's so not...... me. Haha. I mean can you just imagine how my flickr would look like in front of your eyes if my url is "akindofmagic727"??? I know! It would look like I'm trying to make people laugh in a circus place or something. I was so pathetic back then; I didn't know the word "photography" or "photographer" required the meaning of being serious and adventurous. It also meant being elaborate and all. I was twelve back then I didn't know what was flickr for. I thought it was for uploading "cute" and "inspirational" photos you found on Google images. Whoops. 

Go on then, feast on my old flickr account and laugh at how ridiculous I was. 

"akindofmagic727" I thought it was cool... I was wrong.

I actually edited my account but I decided to delete it, anyways, because it looks so PATHETIC.

It was nice meeting you.

So here I am, asking you to check out my NEW and BETTER flickr account! And I promise you, no more sly remarks. Hehe. And I learned a lot of new things in taking good pictures so I guess my shots look better here? 

If you're interested to view my ~photos~, you can check them out here!

I feel like a professional blogger now. No? Okay.

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