Friday, January 3, 2014


It's 2014 and I want to tell you something about my first three days (and the week before January). First, I finished my first Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami and how excited I am to read the rest of his work like What I Talk About When I Talk About Running and Kafka on the Shore. I'm also saving up some reading space for Chuck Palahniuk but I don't think it'll happen soon because his books are expensive even though we're talking about recently received Christmas Money here. I still want to save up more and my best friend and I are planning something rad for us to earn more HEHEHE. Second, I've been enjoying these headphones  A LOT. They're from my very lovely aunt. It's got great sound and I just ADORE it. 

Anyway, my dad recently gave me his 4S and it's great to have one. Even I can't believe I own one, hahaha? In fact one of my few hobbies around smart phones is changing the home and lock screen every now and then.
This one has been my lock screen for about 2 days now. Be proud for I haven't changed it in 48 hours. I might change it again... tomorrow? Kidding. Or not. And can I just say that it's so easy to move around it, if you know what I mean. And owning one comes the indescribable feeling of taking taking beautiful photos with it. It's like wow, cool scenery and out of nowhere I'll be like HOLD ON WAIT I GOTTA TAKE A PICTURE OF IT. And so my adulation of the photos I took starts here...

This one's taken when we jogged around C5 Extension. I think I did more picture-taking than running and burning fats. But hey, I ran 4.75 kilometers that day, NO JOKE. (If you're asking what happened to the remaining .25K, please understand that I could only take so much running and walking and gasping for air.)

my ugly foot

We spent our New Year in Pasig hence, the rooftop photos. These were taken in the morning of January 1. The skies were pretty smoggy due to the fireworks that set off the night before. There were fireworks everywhere like LITERALLY 360 degree-coverage. It was so beautiful. 

If it weren't for the smog I think you could've seen the buildings surrounding the place. I think it's Ortigas at the lower-right side? 

It's plastic hehehe 

This was taken in front of our house!!! Cool 

So that's how 2014's doing for me.