Friday, January 9, 2015

color and cinematography

I went on a Wes Anderson binge last December because two weeks before the aforementioned affair with his films, I decided to have Margot Tenenbaum's haircut. So I googled potential hairdos and I somehow came across with the Wes Anderson color palettes. I love how hued and precise the palettes are, which speaks to how the movie was either shot abundant with color or is moderate on the chroma; but I loved every film regardless of the color scheme!!! 

I've decided that Wes Anderson is my favorite filmmaker, alongside Sofia Coppola and Bernardo Bertolucci.

Also, I decided to leave my long hair; maybe next time.

The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

I really love Margot's characters that I am willing to chop my hair off just to don her straight bob. But I have wavy hair so maybe not... sad face. 

(Speaking of Margot, Gwyneth Paltrow is going to be on a movie called Mortdecai and I can't help but think of Richie Tenenbaum and his bird, Mordecai. Funny how I think the producers made it on purpose AND how gullible the idea is to think about because it's just a coincidence.) (Or not.) (Still hoping for the best, though.) 

 The color palettes also catch the shade of their skin tones, it's amazing. 

The Darjeeling Limited (2007)

I love how Jason Schwartzmann's roles on almost every Wes Anderson film depict a mischievous boy longing for something. 

I love movies that start with a dysfunctional relationship between parties but is cultivated to make it an *:・゚ *:・゚adaptive alliance between the characters *:・゚ *:・゚

This is my favorite Wes Anderson film! I think my adulation for the color blue did the job. The movie also made it clear that the Indian culture will prosper; the Indian funeral was very interesting!!!

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
THE ANIMATION OF THIS MOVIE IS WORTH OGLING OVER FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS. It's very compelling how they made it work, because stop-motion features take a lot of time. They look very cartoony and it's amazing how the other props--the houses, the factories, food, etc.--look very real with a hint of a children's book style (well, duh, it's based on a children's book). 

Also I can't stop thinking about George Clooney. 

Look at this law firm. It's so real and cartoony at the same time. 

I want these as a toy so I could keep them!!! So cute ;___;

My favorite parts were the moving-in to the treehouse and the grocery store scene. Yes, it's because of the intricately designed settings and colors WAH.

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) 

This is also my favorite, alongside The Darjeeling Limited!!! And yes, I already talked about this movie on this post--in which I embarrassed myself on the worldwide web by having poor construction of words and trying too hard to sound like an expert. I was practicing my journalistic credibility, but I failed. NOTHING BUT A SECOND-RATE TRYING HARD seventeen-year-old girl with frizzy hair. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

why not try it all?

I honestly feel bad for not having decent posts from 2014 to look back on, so I'll try to make this one worth reading (although my subconscious tells me only two or three people actually read my blog and that includes me). 

I only had seventeen posts from 2014 and it's such a small number compared to the actual adventures I had, the books I read, the movies I've seen, the new music I discovered, and the friends I made. Anyway, just like any other new year's resolution list, I keep telling myself to do these more:

  • Read: I always find myself longing for all the books I want to read and re-read. I've recently just updated my goodreads account after ignoring it for months. I don't know  if I decidedly ignored it or if I had most of my time dedicated to studying and sleeping. I plan to read a hundred books (or more) before this year ends; I want to cultivate and improve my grammar!!! I downloaded sixty (more or less) e-books on my iPad to get ready for my goal this 2015. But it gets tough because the glare of the screen is killing my eyes and I get astigmatism attacks every now and then!!! So yes, another plan of mine is to save more money for books (and a new bookshelf). 

  • Write: I have friends who are such great writers and I can't help but feel like a stranger whenever I read their writings, formal or not. I'm such a sucker for people who could write very well; it inspires me to do better and to write more. I've been meaning to write a lot about the things around me, but I can't find the drive--and I hate myself for thinking that I have to find the drive ("That is such bullshit!") to be able to write. I learned that if you really have the roaring hunger to write, you will write amidst everything, be it bad or very bad. Reading reviews on goodreads has been a hobby of mine for so long and reading other people's book reviews give me such hope and the motivation to write more like them. I'm a journalism student and I still find myself crawling in the dark whenever I try to write something satirical and poetic; it's kind of embarrassing. So here's to a year of trying (and succeeding, I hope). 

  • Take more pictures: I've always been a big fan of photographs and as a thirteen-year-old girl, I dreamed of having my own camera. I had two digital cameras before I landed myself in a DSLR (thanks to my mother). This year, I'll try to bring my camera everyday and take photos of everything and everyone. Then maybe formulate a story from every picture I took. That's a very interesting thing to do, since I like forming stories in my head; from the people I see on the bus on my way to school, the buildings, the roads, everything. Also, my goal for this year is to print my own photographs! (Another reason for me to save more). 

  • Do more art: Summer 2014 has been the longest and most productive summer for me, despite the lack of adventures offered by the outside world. I fell in love with watercolor and went back to sketching. School stopped me from creating more, but I have been mapping out some plans to improve my time management!!! My best friend and I have had plans of selling stickers for so long now, you don't even know. I decided that painting the designs myself would be much cooler because watercolored pictures look really pretty. But I somehow failed because I have been uninspired lately, and I hate copying other people's style, lol. SO, YES FOR ART BECAUSE ART MAKES ME HAPPY.

I have more plans for this 2015 but no one really cares OMG LET'S BE HONEST. But for this year, I plan to practice empathy more often, listen to what everyone has to say, and do everything I can to be happy (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ 

I've been obsessing over this song for a week now! I chose the underwater tea party scene from the movie Somewhere (2010) because I loved how I was watching the movie and thought about sitting down, doing nothing and being happy. Also because I think the song speaks so much about *:・゚ *:・゚life *:・゚ *:・゚

Happy New Year!!!